Thursday, October 22, 2009

Major Prod

Major production 2009 was a great sucess. All the weeks of practicing Grease payed of. My role in the Grease production was Setting up the sound equipment and all the sound levels once the microphones had be fitted on the cast. Overall the show was excellent with only a few mistakes, so a very good show.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Music website

For our music Authentic challenge we had to complete a website pretending that we were a music artist or in a band. We had to make our own songs and it could be with lyrics or somthing we made yourself on Garageband. Some othe things we had to include were our own fashion line, biography of your band or just you. We also used these websites to enter the Net Guide Multimedia Challenge which most of the class has entered.
My music website address is if you would like to have a look.