Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

Achievements and contributions

My Achievements And Contributions This Year.

Term 1. Kapa Haka, librarian, Multi Cultural Day, Polyfest, Softball.

Term 2. Dodge Ball, 40 Hour Famine, Kapa Haka, Chocolate fundrasier,

Term 3. Rugby, Merit Mention, Kapa Haka, Performed at Orientation night.

Term 4. Pen License, litter monitor, Kapa Haka, Sport Mention, AV Technician

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Save The Maui's

From about the start of the term me and my class have been studying the Maui's dolphins. We first studying the Maui's dolphin in reading. Our first project was a choice of things. I did a type of book. A lady called Victoria from WWF came to our school on Monday 3 November to talk to us about how we can save the Maui's dolphin then she took us out or a came. The came was played with two people in the middle and as much as you want on the out side. One person from the inside was blindfolded with flippers and a Maui's dolphin suite and the other person in the middle was just blindfolded. The aim of the game is when the dolphin goes click, click, click the fish has to say ping, ping, ping and the dolphin has to try get the fish. There are approximately 111 Maui's dolphins left in the world. Currently we are working on a mural for next year. SO HELP SAVE THE MAUI'S DOLPHIN.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Digital classroom

During my time in the digital class i have gone from not knowing any thing about computers to knowing
more than some adults. Some things we have learnt are how to save our work on the server instead of putting it on the desktop and we learnt how to use Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Apple works, Spread Sheet, Pages, keynote, I-Movie, I-tunes, I-DVD, I-photo, Garage band, Change Background. Some work we have done is our war posters, Maui's dolphins projects, N.I.E news paper and our book bags.